I am aware, that Greece and USA are populated by people of quite different mentality. My point was, that you can't base your fears of chaos on Greece, since no chaos reigns there.
Personally, I believe in being prepared, only you don't have to go overboard, which I think a year's worth of food and 10k rounds is.
In a country like the US natural disasters do occur, and of course you should be prepared for that. Hurricane Katrina was a stellar example of that. In DK we haven't EVER had any kind of disaster worth preparing for. Here I would rather have a prepared skillset, and gear to help me in that.

And I do believe in the good of man, should our economi collapse. That may be I, who is naive.
However I do also believe in the right to defend myself at gun point, should the need arise... But I have no guns frown

Last edited by Rasmus; 06/08/13 03:23 AM.

Having only one pancake, leaves more room for bacon!

