Originally Posted by Architect
Originally Posted by Feldgrun
I think that we can all have a positive influence in the world, including in politics. If good people do nothing, and don't help to prevent stupid laws, then we're stuck with something we don't like or want.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson

I'm well versed.

After years of failed attempts at educating people, personal involvement in politics (including board memberships in political action committees, rallies, speaking engagements, etc), countless books read trying to prepare myself for the "next" debate, etc I came to one harrowing conclusion: most people simply don't care as long as they have sports on TV and beer.

Panem et circenses!

However, I applaud those like yourself that still hold out hope over the crushing weight of our current apathy.

The highlighted section is what got me thinking. There are so many distractions out there. A lot of people have been saying "God fearing" so I'm guessing what I say next won't offend people. It is so important to have a personal relationship with God. That is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. Don't get me wrong, prepping is important. Being a future Public Health professional, everyone should have a BOB and plenty of supplies for disasters, wars, etc. BUT, life is very fragile and can be cut short at any moment. I could die in a car accident tomorrow. So what is important is how I live my life now. Doesn't the Bible say "don't be afraid of the one who can hurt hurt your body, but be afraid of the one who can hurt your soul"? Distractions are part of that. When they take away time from your relationships with God, family, and friends; that is when they are damaging.

JYD #181