My point is that we're living quiet "back to the basics" lives centered around God, family, and farm. Its a simple world view that cuts out main-stream-media, the talking-heads, and every lying sack of excrement that holds an office in the neo-fascist / control freak government.
I, like most liberty minded people, have a line in teh sand. I've made a mature decision about what my line is and what I'll do if anyone crosses it. Suffice to say, they'll find themselves on the wrong side of a well equipped, properly trained, and excessively motivated enemy if any harm ever comes to my family or if they try to take my property.
HOWEVER, I'm done trying to convince people for their need of self-preservation. I'm exhausted from trying to show people how little difference there really is between Demopublicans and Republicrats (as a non-neoconservative Constitutional Libertarian I view virtually everything going on in the state and federal governments as unconstitutional).
My solution is to live simple, keep my head down and be watching vigilantly.
They fear the unknown more than the known. Look at the endless wars in the middle east. Do they have a uniformed military to defeat? No - they have and fear a barely namely, loosely collected, leaderless group of goat farmers. Be like that or be like the rusty nail that sticks up.
You know what happens to the rusty nail that sticks up, don't you? IT GETS HAMMERED DOWN.
JYD #123 The great one formerly known as Architect.
I am now a fictional British television police officer (currently a Detective Sgt) at Thames Valley Station. My governor is Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and it’s 1969.