Interesting perspective. I'm LDS so I grew up with the mindset of always aiming for a years supply of food--its something our church has encouraged for generations. I've met lots of folks who wish they'd followed that council, lots who'd like to get into food storage, and lots who are ambivalent, but few who'd say a year's supply of food is overboard. Prudent yes, but not excessive. It stems, I think, from the fierce independence that most Americans feel, combined with the traditional values of self reliance and thrift (that unfortunately are in decline here and being replaced with dependence and entitlement...).
Curious why you'd feel a years supply is excessive? Not baiting an argument, but genuinely interested since its a mindset that is relatively alien to me.
JYD #126 Super JYD #13
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."