We can all have an influence.
However,I feel that I belong to a vast MINORITY, when it comes to changing the way things are going, here.

Where I come from, people think of me as a complete nutcase, for suggesting that I/we/man should have the right to defend one self with a weapon. All the while gangs from Eastern Europe are just stroling across our borders, ready to loot and rob at gun point.

Therefore, I feel that I have to start from rock bottom in a society that has been completely disarmed and completely dependant on decisions made by career politicians.
MOST Danish politicians haven't even had a day job, ever. They just graduated from lawschool, and then went for a career in politics.

So! You have to start with friends and relatives to get them thinking outside the box of "every day life".

Ok, just a short rant on how people here think differently than I.

Having only one pancake, leaves more room for bacon!

