As my work week ends in two more hours I bring to you the Statistics Until we meet again on 9/11 the day the World changed forever.
Outdoors and fieldcraft is at 29,697 posts up from yesterdays 29,662 for a 5 post increase.
The Knives Forum is at 705,973 posts, up from yesterdays 705,665 giving a 308 post increase.
The WZDC page count is now at 2609 pages, up from yesterdays 2595 giving a 14 page increase!
The TOTAL Forum section is now at 790,618 posts, up from yesterdays 790,275 giving a whopping 343 one day post increase! Hey if we had more days like this we WOULD have 800K by the end of the year.
OK as we continue toward our One Million Post goal we now need 209,382 more posts.
Last edited by SkunkHunter; 09/08/1306:49 AM.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105