After looking over my knife list for the "How many are enough" thread I discovered some omissions. So here they are from the smallest to the largest.

1. Cupidvore (mine)
2. Cupidvore (Patty's)
3. 311
4. Scrapmax 340
5. Swamp Warden
6. Swamp Warden with B. Piatt scales
7. Mud Puppy
8. 411
9. Mud Mutt
10. Wardog HACK (Busse Combat)
11. Wardog
12. S5
13. Tali-Whacker LE(2013 edition)
14. MilReg
15. Bulldog Regulator
16. 911
17. Bushwhacker Mistress
18. 1311(aka MOAD or Fairy Dog Mother)

There you have it, my 18 indestructable, forged in the heart of a volcano Busse Combat Group blades, Hogs, Rats and Dogs. But Not necessarily in that order. grin

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/11/14 03:04 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog