OK all you hydrant hosers, I need info.

At the beginning of this thread, there are the SYKW blade with a red background. My Q is, Have all of these knives already been made, or are some on the drawing board for the future? I like everything beyond 7" blade length and some of the shorty's. What about a MOJO type of blade? Man I could go broke if these are to be released in the future.


when u log onto the site and u click on the knives button those are all the knives that have been released. Some like the Dumpster Mutt, The scrapper 6 limited edition and INFI Scrapper 4 will no longer be made. They were one time productions. But u could look at the secondary market for these blades and super marked up prices.

Now some of those that are in the red pictures havent been released yet. Only dan and patti know when they will be released. You just have to stick around here and check the forums about once a week for updates. Dan usually lets the yard know by giving a 48 notice and 24 hour notice of when the knives will be released. They sell fast so make sure ur hear atleast half an hour before the release time. Sometimes they go up early.

The Hook Guard (mojo type knive ) just went on sale last week and will prolly be awhile be for it goes up again.

Junk Yard Dog #38

[P]ositive [E]nergy [A]lways [C]orrects [E]rrors