PAYDIRT! I found a bag that will work out VERY well to house my Sawyer Mini filter and associated gadgets. PLUS I found some stuff I had forgotten I had.

1. My original Leatherman from the Air Force days.
2. 300 ft spool of "trot" line
3. Generator powered led light.
4. Emergency candles in a can.
5. A nice little small (1 inch blade "SNITCH" fixed blade) knife by Randall King Knives.
6. P38 can opener.
7. Spool of steel "Jewlery" wire.
8. Box of 20 Hand sanitizer wipes.
9. Box of assorted band aids/gauze pads and a tube of antibiotic ointment.

If you’re not Paranoid, You’re
not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog