The ONLY defensive rifle designs I endorse (and I've owned or used every design available to the public):

1) AR15 from a top tier manufacturer (BCM, Colt, etc)

2) AK47 from a top tier manufacturer (Arsenal, early Norinco, etc). This includes Galil and Valmet from the ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER (IMI only for the Galil).

3) FAL from DSA or FN

4) (To a lesser degree) M1A from Springfield Armory with ALL USGI PARTS (except the receiver of course)

There is a reason why the M16 family, AK family, and FAL dominated the world's arms market. You'll note that I do not list G3's above even though they were extremely prolific. The reason: they SUCK! The G3 has the worst ergonomics of any infantry rifle ever issued.

I've owned nearly every semi-auto design you can think of: AUG, HK91, HK93, HK94, Beretta AR70, Galil 386, Valmet 76 and 76T, Sig556 and Sig556 Classic, AR15, M1A, FAL, Robinson M96 (Stoner 63), Mini 14, Mini 30, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Daewoo K1, Daewoo K2, AR180, SKS, etc.

I've used the rest: ACR, SCAR, FNC, Piston AR's, XCR, Sturmgewehr 44, G43, etc.

JYD #123 The great one formerly known as Architect.

I am now a fictional British television police officer (currently a Detective Sgt) at Thames Valley Station. My governor is Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and it’s 1969.