I only own a few rifles now: Arsenal SGL21, Arsenal SLR106FR, BCM Hammer Forged MidLength, Colt 6520 (I have two of these), DSA FAL 16" Fixed Stock, DSA FAL 18" Para Folding Stock, Ruger 10/22 (I have two of these), Ruger GSR, Sig556 Classic (for sale), Springfield Armory M1A (for sale).
These are the guns that my collection "boiled down to" over the years. I would stake my life an any of the above, and don't see a need to have a dozen military rifles anymore.
I'm not listing the M1A and Sig556 for sale to solicit buyers (that's against the rules here) - I'm listing them to show that I no longer want them in my collection because my bases are adequately covered with the other rifles (and am more comfortable with the other designs).
Honestly, my wife with the scoped 10/22 and I with the scoped GSR would make a well rounded "TEOTWAWKI bug out" arsenal. Simple, reliable, accurate, easy to maintain. I'm not looking for a fight so I'd rather avoid people anyway!