I still think that I would go with my:

1. Chophouse lean cut (now that I remembered I have one).
2. Really a BIG "Mash Up". The afore mentioned Spyderco PM2 is a REALLY good folder. BUT, I think that (unless I change my mind) I would go with a more brawny blade, ala the GTI Folder (large) or perhaps my ZT O909 or the Emerson rendition or Patriot. All thick bladed brawny blades. And I guess the Emerson CQC10 would also be in the running.

I have done a lot of "Survival Shelter" building with a blade VERY similar to the Chophouse, My oft talked about Negrito Hunting Bolo
[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]IMG_5126 by Randy, on Flickr

Best $2.50 blade I have ever bought! I have also killed, skinned and cut up a goat with it. And have used it as a draw knife, hatchet. Well you get the idea. I walked around "The Boonies" of the Philippines with my ex brother in law with that as my only blade (he used a traditional Philippine Bolo, actually a parang). I have knives I have that cost over 100 times what this one did, but it is still my favorite all time knife, bar none. You wouldn't believe what you can do with a blade that you are very familiar with if you need to. A WISE survivalist (or anybody really who wants to know what blade they should use in certain "areas") just watch what "The Locals" use.

And here is the GTI Folder in my hand. I wear a Medium glove and they are usually sorta snug on my fat hands.
[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]GTI 2 by Randy, on Flickr

The GTI Folder (Kizer’s model Ki 4416A2) is a robust knife with a 3.5-inch, drop-point blade fashioned from CPM-S35VN. The blade has a thickness of 0.157 inches and is hollow ground. The liners of this folder are 6AI-4V titanium and have green G10 handle scales. The liner-lock mechanism provides security once the knife is opened with the use of the dual thumb studs. The use of titanium assures that even with an overall length of 8.65 inches, the knife weighs only 7.5 ounces. The 1.5-inch width of the blade gives the general appearance that the blade is shorter than its 3.5 inches.

Might as well go whole hog on this post. Just so there is NO doubt as to who this belongs to...

[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]GTI 5 by Randy, on Flickr


Last edited by SkunkHunter; 10/02/19 09:23 PM.

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