I knew Benchmade mad a really sweet Auto. I have owned three German ones and they are not to bad, but still the typical not really to sturdy blades. I wouldn't want to have to use one of them to defend myself.

On a different front, I DO have 5 "Butterfly" knives. I got my first Butterfly knife back in I think '74(cheapie when I was stationed in the Philippines). My first "Good one" I think was around 1981 and is marked BALI-SONG, so it actually predates Benchmade and even Pacific Cutlery! I actually have two marked like that, the second one being a serialized edition )55 of 200 (4 inch blade)and is a Bowie style (wouldn't Tom Be proud). The rest were made by Pacific Cutlery. Haven't bought any since they changed over to Benchade so I guess my last would would have to have been made prior to 1988.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 10/02/19 09:40 PM.

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