"Dice, he wants it right now. Can't you read man! He's got important stuff to do! If you're rude you can get what you want faster! And all of us are the reason he didn't get his knife! So even though we helped him tonite he don't ever want to talk to us again so just cancel his account!

LOL. Don't let the screen door hit you in the butt on the way out, chaos."

Well Cowboy, I am still here this evening, but not for long( I was just searching posts to see when I missed out again this month). If you cared to use the search button, you'd see that I've been asking about these knives for the last 3 months. It's not a "NOW" thing, it's a whose to say the next 3 months wont bring the same. You should do a little research before popping off at the mouth. As far as getting what I want faster? Where did that come from? I just made the decision not to deal with a company that deals in this manner. I never accused you or anyone else that post here as being the reason i didn't get a knife. Reading comprehension is fundamental, my firend. I have missed out on the knife because I dont live here on the internet. I choose not to wait any longer on a phantom ghost that may or may not appear when I get around to getting on the internet. My choice, being the consumer and all. Important stuff to do? Oh, you mean by actually using a product, insted of chopping twigs and mirrors and putting pics of it on the internet? I guess, you'd be right on that account then.

Dont ever want to talk to you again even though ya'll helped me out?
I think I remember thanking those that helped for their assistance. I no longer need the account as I have no reason to come back here. Thats it.... wasn't an attack or placing blame on anyone here tonight.

And I wont let the door hit me in the butt neither, Thanks for the warning.