Chaos - If you'd ask one of the guys or myself to pickup one (if we're lucky to get any) up for you I'm sure no one here would mind, even if you didn't take it someone would. If one of my buddies asked to order one for him I would, if I could get more than one. There are plenty of good guys here in the yard. Never hurt to ask someone to cover your back. Another thing, the yard knives are awesome, you'll see if you get one. Take Care,

Chaos: A lot of us have picked up extra blades for people that wouldn't be around for a release. I sure would have if you had asked. Anyways, there's no secret handshakes here, and a lot of guys make 2 or 3 posts here and there (not computer jockies)... I'm sorry that you felt you needed to be so negative. Not that I don't understand your frustration about not being able to get your hands on a knife, but the anticipations is half of the fun for most of us.