Dice, he wants it right now. Can't you read man! He's got important stuff to do! If you're rude you can get what you want faster! And all of us are the reason he didn't get his knife! So even though we helped him tonite he don't ever want to talk to us again so just cancel his account!

LOL. Don't let the screen door hit you in the butt on the way out, chaos.

What a whiner! When I came to this forum, I had missed the DF, SS4, and S6. Having never dealt with anything in limited production, I had ordered from catalogs or websites. The dogs in the yard helped me find a DF. I made it for the military over run of S6, and I love it. I got two DMs when they went on sale. I have only been in the yard since February, and I have found many great friends here, and already own three SYKCO knife models. The yard rocks! It is his loss.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.