Well Mr Chaos, my reading comprehension is a-ok, thanks very much. And why I would spend even 10 seconds searching to see how many times you've posted or visited isn't very relevant either. That you're frustrated is clear by your post.

Whether you intended it or not, your post came across as pretty darn rude. And I made fun of your rudeness in my exaggerated post. If you want to insult me you better expect the same in return, Cowboy. Making fun of how people use the knives we buy with our hard earned money is not the best way to make friends among this diverse group of heavy users, light users, collectors, and just plain fans.

I'm sure you believe you have a higher purpose for the knives than some here and just maybe you do. But that doesn't really matter here. We're just a small community of friends. Everyone here tries to be helpful and all we ask is that you show a little respect. Even if you're frustrated.

Last edited by Kraz; 04/13/07 03:30 AM.

F5 like you mean it! JYD #15