My tablet died, I just put it on the charger for one last post
I hope this will help explain why I will not debate the existence of God with a person of faith

I stopped believing in God in elementary school, and since then I have been at peace with the thought that in the end I will simply cease to be, I know that I really cannot comprehend that fully, but it doesn't bother me.
However the thought of my daughters simply ceasing to be, bothers me a great deal and I don't wish that thought on anyone

When I was younger and knew everything, I. Made it a personal mission to enlightened those dark age believers, and could not understand how someone could not see such an obvious truth

I was 17 when I graduated high school and around that time I was extremely shocked to figure out that I didn't know everything.
This revelation caused me to take a hard look at myself, and there were things I didn't like

One of the things I looked at was how I viewed persons of faith
To be clear I am not talking about fanatics here

If I am right and there is no God, does there belief in god harm me?
No, in fact for many people their belief gives them strength and helps them be a better person

If I am right and I convince them that I am right, are they better for it?
No, in fact it may cause them a lot of harm

If they are right and there is a God, does that harm me?

If they are right, but I somehow convince them that I am right are they better off?
No, I cannot think of anything worse than helping a person turn their back on their God
I would consider myself truly evil, for doing such a thing

So for me there is no debate as I would never risk the consequences

In fact in my first year of university, I took a philosophy course where the instructor used a philosophical argument that God did not exist
I remember sitting there thinking you pompous jerk, I hope I didn't sound like you

Randy may know this already but I had a conversation with Patty when she was upset that some non believer verbally attacked her belief on FB
That sort of thing really bothers me, and I don't tolerate that behavior around me

So to my friends of faith, may you stay secure in your knowledge and may you always find peace

The stripes of a tiger don't wash away. Be a man of steel not clay JYD #102