Originally Posted by SkunkHunter
You are correct about Wally world, the ones near here are going more organic.

PLUS Patty "Discovered" a store about a month and a half ago called Schnucks. It is a slightly higher "Class" grocery and they have a lot more organic and other "Better for you Food" We plan on doing more shopping there.

Well my relief is here so I am outta here. I will be back on sometime today.

Yes, the Schnucks family is committed to the organic movement. They were one of the first family owned groceries to do so. Their prices have decreased significantly in recent years.

I forgot to mention:

Target (Greatland and Super scale stores) have a fairly robust organic and non-GMO food selection.

JYD #123 The great one formerly known as Architect.

I am now a fictional British television police officer (currently a Detective Sgt) at Thames Valley Station. My governor is Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and it’s 1969.