
What a warm and friendly group I have stumbled across here. Thanks for the welcomes and advice.

Apparently I somehow managed to chop out the first part of my post. I was trying to figure out if there were significant differences between the SR101, SR77, INFI steels. I thought a blade without coating might be better for me as I cook out for larger numbers of people regularly and may be using the knife on: butts, brisket, ribs, chickens and occasionally a whole pig. I thought the coatings might hold food to the blade and increase resistance to slicing. To tell the truth though, normally, I just pull the meat off the bones by hand. So maybe a coating to prevent rust and staining would be more beneficial?

To be honest, I would also like to have a knife that in a dire emergency I could use to defend my person against a large dog/coyote bent on my destruction. I frequently end up trying to help people with dogs that no one else will work with. I am pretty good at understanding and avoiding risky situations but I also know that there is no predicting what some dogs have picked up from us humans. Worse, we believe a team of coyotes took out a large dog belonging to friends across the road recently. The dog had started a personal campaign against the growing population of coyotes.

I found a couple Dumpster Mutts and a few Scrapper 5's for sale. I was a little confused by the fact that apparently Scrap Yard only makes and offers for sale one knife at a time. I see the one knife Scrap Yard is apparently about to make and offer for sale. Does one put a deposit down and wait for the knife to get made? Are there options when buying a new production knife? It says everyone might not get one, does this mean even if I make a deposit I will have to wait and see if they make enough for me to get one? Any idea how long it takes to get delivery on a "new run" knife? I'm about to turn 60, and my wife is a red telling how long I have left!

Shees, I have more questions than my clients do, maybe even more than my daughter!
