I see several different dangling loop systems. I'm not sure those would work for me. I need to be able to throw and swing objects with my arms too much of the time. After guiding dog bites onto designated objects many thousands of times over 30 years one can get pretty good at predicting and controlling the what, when and where of how a dog uses those pointy teeth.


I got a note from Eric at Mashed Cat Outfitters:
"I can make the sheath for the scrapper 5 with a knife I have. All
sheaths come equipped with a large TekLok belt clip, and are versatile for
carry options."
There is a nice picture of a SYKW Scrapper5 & sheath ( $45 + s/h ) on the site:
The knife in the picture even has the same handle.

I sent a note to Rainwalker but have not heard back yet.
A similar sheath from here appears to be $5-10 more.


Last edited by Mick; 09/09/09 01:34 AM.