You're right, it does need more pics. I've thought about starting a thread dedicated to showing the improvements I've made to it. But I know it will be months between each improvement I make, and I'd rather keep everything on the first page. Too bad we can't edit our posts after one day.

I took it to the range today and I let an old friend of mine who had never fired one empty a magazine. That thing is incredibly loud now! We drew a small crowd.

We heard someone shooting a few lanes down from us say "where's a Marine when you need one?" He was having trouble getting his ACOG sighted in. I've been out of the service for 12 years so I don't have any experience with them. My buddy just retired 18 months ago so he went over and got him squared away.

We had fun and it was a good day.

I'll try to get some rifle posted today. Hopefully I can put my daughter down for a nap so I can get my rifle out.

USMC 1997-2002. 6173 CH-53D Sea Stallion Helicopter Crew Chief and Flightline Mechanic. Semper Fi!

"Be still, Taggart!"