Hows the hip holding out Caz , now your back to work ,oh and have you had a chance to hit the links yet .

I'm not sure, I can walk but with a nasty limp but no pain, after awhile it becomes uncomfortable because of the way I have to compensate so my back starts to ache and the evenings are brutal. I see the surgeon on Monday and they'll x-ray my hip and let me know what's what, I'm still going to therapy so that's good. Work is good and I'm busy as I swear they didn't have anybody do any building repairs for the time I was off, I've been on ladders changing security cameras and replacing entire light fixture in class rooms and schools been in session for over two months. I thought I would have been hitting golf balls by now but this hip is really moving along very slowly.

JYD #136
My mother told me if didn't have anything nice to say then don't say anything but that never stopped me before.