GD, I'm not MB, but as far as a laser, ask yourself some realistic (Vs I sure wish I had this new toy) questions.

Face facts. If you are not law enforcement and you shoot someone with a weapon that has a laser mounted on it the Defense lawyer(S) are gonna tear you up.

Well tell us Mr. GD, WHY do you feel it necessary to use a device that will not allow you to miss when you shot (killed) Mr Crook. Isn't it true that you wanted to make sure that Mr Crook would NOT STAND A CHANCE of you missing when you shot at him without cause. Hey, don't say it can't or wouldn't happen.

Second question is HOW OFTEN are you going to need to shoot your weapon in light dim enough that your normal night sights can not be seen (another "gottcha" by the defense).

You CAN get so dependant on them that you start using them instead of relying on your sights and using the laser as a verification device.

Now don't get me wrong, I would like a laser as well, but don't truly think one would be A NECESSARY requirement as it would only be used sparingly in a civilian setting.

Just my personal thoughts. Take them or leave them. It is YOUR decision based upon YOUR needs/requirements/wants, no one else's.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog