I TRY and hit it every day but don't make it. BUT I am on it at least 3 days a week, ok, sometimes only 2. But I get on it as much as I can make it. Doc says he is going to double my BP medicine if I don't get my blood pressure below 130. I DO NOT want to double up on that. So exercise, and the food I eat combined with the weight loss will all help.

Randy, I'm a little younger than you but I've been taking 5-6 meds a week and I realized I had to make a change. While I'm doing something much more drastic. I'm juicing only raw fruits and veggies for the next 30 days. I got inspired to do it after watching the movie "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". I eat very unhealthy as a rule I've always been a meat and meat kind of guys. I'm closing out my first week now of juice only. The week before that I only ate only raw veggies and fruits and three weeks ago I stopped all caffiene and sodas. It has been tough as heck and at the end of the thirty days I'm going to eat a lot better.

Meaning when I'm done I plan on only having one bad meal a week (instead of two hamburgers a day).

Anyways if you have netflix online the movie is on there and if you don't you can watch it for free at http://www.jointhereboot.com/ . Its a good watch if your bored at work one night. Good luck brother!

Last edited by BigLapDog; 06/30/12 10:11 PM.

JYD #140