Guys - time for a few of you to "clean up your act"!! I have said before that I fully understand the anger and frustration some of you are going through, but being derogatory and downright nasty is NOT going to solve the problem!! I don't know why more information has not been forthcoming - I suspect that Dan and Patti are out of town as he mentioned it in one of the other threads. When they read the posts they will immediately see how frustrated some of you are, and I suspect they will try to make things right for you. In the meantime, please help return the forum to the usual friendly place that it has been. I don't ENJOY being the "heavy", but I will be if the nasty posting continues. If you have a problem with that, send me a PM and we can discuss it privately.


Junk Yard Dog #1
Moderator/Leader of the Pack
Good night Mrs. B, wherever you are!
Long Live the Brotherhood of the Yard!