THEY say she doesn't have cancer, that is just where his office is located and he specializes in parathyroid and thyroid surgery. All Pattys doctors here (well her GP and the Endocrinologist) both say no one around here is qualified in their opinion to do that kind of surgery.

Actually she is doing some better DT, thanks for asking. Her parathyroid levels have dropped from 775 (should be 8-65) down to 230 something. And that is just by getting her vitamin D levels back up. But she has has this parathyroid disease so long it has been robbing calcium from her bones and they are now treating her with 1200mg of calcium/1000mg of Vitamin D every day PLUS the vitamin D pills the Endocrinologist has prescribed for her.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog