You know Peter, Americans have always wanted to be well armed in defense against a tyranical government. That is really what our Second Amendment was written for. It goes back to King George III. Colonials using those squirrel rifles to knock off British officers wasn't cricket. But having freedom does entail some risks to us all, not just LEOs. Hoodlums and gangsters like firepower, too. And we have all seen just recently in Arizona what mayhem a demented person with a Glock can cause. But the sin is in the user, not the round or the weapon. I'm quite sure that any of my .223 rifles could penetrate the vests most LEOs wear. I have no plans to find out, though. I also have no need of the FN "vest puncher" pistol. But in the event of a complete totalitarian takeover, it would be nice to know that at least some of my fellow peasants could resist the King's knights in their armor with a pistol. You know, peasants were not allowed to own swords, either.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.