Yeah I know Tom. But I think I finally have all the "Packing" gear I need now. I'll have kinda sorta large packs for Patty and myself PLUS I will have a bag larger than the Malaga to have as a Always with us bag in the PF II that will also provide a place for water bottles and a good FAK. Just a couple more first aid things I can't get locally and I'll be set. I want a couple packs of compressed gauze and another izzy bandage so both FAK kits will be outfitted the same. Do I REALLY think we will ever need this stuff, not really, at least not beyond the normal Boo boo stuff, but I still want to have it on hand for a Just in case. Oh and I need to get one more water filter. I am thinking about this one.
Better to have and not need need it guys know the rest!
After all this popped off my wife said she was glad with the prepping I had done. Hadn't heard that from her before! Was good not to have to sweat the sell outs of grocery stores and worry.
Gotta say though I figured alcohol would be bought out and TP wouldn't be a problem. Go figure.
JYD #109 "I came here for the knives and stayed for the people."