Well the wife got her hair done today and I had a couple hours to waste so I went to a couple gun shops. While I was in one a guy traded a Glock for a new Sig 365XL (I think it was). I looked at what he traded and left going to the other gunshop.
Well I picked up the wife and we were talking and she asked if I found anything I liked. I kinda hem hawed around and finally told her that I did. She MADE me turn around and go back to the first store. I called them and they were just getting ready to close so I told them who I was and that I was the one asking about the Glock the guy traded (I asked them about it AFTER he left of course, didn't want to seem rude) and told them I was about 10 minutes out. They said they would wait.
SO after turning around (don't you just love suspense) and finally arriving back at the gun store I went in and filled out the blood chit the G'ment demands, paid them the money and became the proud owner of a (Doesn't appear to have been shot and the mags don't even have any scratches or smudges on them) Glock model 48 semi double stack 9mm with the red front sight in the light and green in the dark along with the rear sights, so I guess they are tritium. Oh and it has a 5.5lb trigger. I LIKE IT and it is going to be my new carry gun!
Last edited by SkunkHunter; 07/09/2009:49 PM.
If you’re not Paranoid, You’re not paying attention Be a Sheepdog JYD#105