Originally Posted by Architect
My 100,000 center fire statement is intentionally EXCEPTIONALLY LOW.

Eight years ago my safe had 23 factory built ARs from seven manufacturers in it. I would shoot 350-500 rounds per trip to the range. I went to the range at least once a week and often as many as three timss a week. Do the math.

I built my first AR in 1984 and have owned DOZENS AND DOZENS over the past 3 decades. I've been fixing my own and friend's during that entire 30 years. I will only own BCM and Colt factory builds now. Ask me why? I've grown tired of wasting time on subpar parts, assembly, knowledge and QC. It's just easier to spend 10-15% more and get the right one from the start.

Twelve years ago I had five Class 3 full autos in my safe. I would spend evenings sitting at my reloading bench so I could take 1500rds a weekend to the range. This lasted for about 12 months. Do that math.

I sold all of my class 3 items a long time ago.

My AR collection is down to a couple of BCM and Colts that I'm trying to sell off. Why? The same reason I sold my AK collection (2x Arsenal SGL21, 7x Arsenal SLR-106 and 3x Arsenal SLR-107) last year / this year....

I found a better mousetrap with a 45,000rd barrel life which actually matters to a guy that will wear out a barrel of that making in 7 years.

The last paragraph, you're talking about your Scar, right, AND or your Les Baer?

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not paying attention

Be a Sheepdog