Heehee! Just ordered a Rock Island 1911 A2 Ultra FS HC 10mm. THAT was the 10mm I wanted

5" 10mm with 16 rounds of 10mm. For $569 shipped, and a $50 rebate, I am getting this for the best price I've seen on a used one at auction on Gunbroker. Hope I don't drop it overboard on its inaugural fishing trip (I lose more guns that way...).
IF I get a good one, the reviews are great: easy to shoot; great capacity; accurate and fun; reliable and well-crafted. If I don't, maybe 5% of reviews hate it: it's a jam-o-matic (FTF, FTE, stovepipes, etc); chews up brass and/or ejects 50 feet; can't hit the broad side of a barn from 10 inches out; andmakes people generally angry they wasted their cash.
FORTUNATELY, like a Scrap Yard, they come with a forever warranty that applies to the gun, not the user. If, after 300 rounds (or sooner if needed), the accuracy or reliability or function doesn't measure up to what it SHOULD be, I can send it back, on their dime, and they will repair or replace it. I've yet to read a negative review that remained negative IF the owner actually utilized customer service.