Well it appears if the ole skunk stash may be a changin, maybe.
I have a Colt Gunsite pistol (they call it a CCO). It is an officers frame with a Colt series 70 slide/action commander length, with specific modifications requested by Gunsite Academy and built for them by Colt. There’s 100 of them. Yeah it is sweet.
Well a friend of mine is jonesin for it real bad. AND, it appears, he has a MKE AP5-P he bought to save wear and tear on his HK SP5K PDW. I finally saw, touched and just generally fondled/drooled all over this thing today at a gun shop. It’s a lot smaller than my CZ Scorpion Evo S2 which is a gun I love. BUT the AP5, being a lot smaller I could actually carry in my Maxpedition Malaga WITH few spare mags! Talk about sweet. Heck, it would almost fit in my 511 Push pack or the Maxped Jumbo.
Still not sure we’re gonna seal the deal or not (momma doesn’t like me getting rid of guns I already have) but I don’t want to spend another couple grand on a gun I WILL USE/SHOOT, Vs one I won’t even carry any more, when I could just trade. We shall see what the future brings, or not.