WELL! Looks like that action has picked up a bit, and everyone is all touchy feely again. GOOD. Dan the Big Dog Busse has announced the prices for the new
Reg Pro and BOY IS IT SWEET! Now lets just all wait at the fence and wait for him to throw it over the fence to us. AND then we ALL can go play with our new toys. Oh and he's also providing the chance to get a pair of pants at the same time. GO DAN!!!

Ok, And awaaaaaaaay we go....

Death Chat has expanded up to 1859 pages of fun and excitement.

The post count has also increased to 356,738 with this one. I had to go on a private mini-run cause no body but me was talking. And I CAN talk to myself (see my mini-run explination about 2 sides of our brains) so I could bust open into the 4k realm. It wasn't to hard (for me anyway). I only had to make 10 posts.
So, If you want so read about my and my normal un-stable self, go on over to DC and READ ALL ABOUT IT.

And Yeah, it IS still cheaper than paying a Shrink $200.00 an hour!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog