Man I don't know What got you guys all stirred up but you sure boosted things up a bit withing the last 24 hours. So lets get on with it already!

The Knives forum side is now at 429,257, yup you read that right, the KNIVES FORUM only side has now busted 429K range wide open! Take a bow folks.

The ZDC PAGE count has now gone from a paltry 520 pages all the way up to 531 pages for an 11 page increase!

And now for the report on our steady, relentless march toward a half a million posts. The Full Forum post count has now gotten up to 452,715 up 313 posts from just 24 hours earlier. That will help us reach our goal, speaking of which...

We are now 47,285 posts away from our soon to be reached goal of 500,00 posts, that is a Half of a Million posts! THAT is a lot of posting.

So now that we have only 62 days left in the year before we reach 2011, we need to AVERAGE 762.66 posts per day.

Sounds like a lot, but I have a feeling we are gonna have a lot more activity here before to much longer, can you say SCRAPIVORE!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog