Early risers can lead to some really insane (ok, goofy) talk coming from our sleep deprived gray matter. As you ponder this and say "HUH"? I will go onto the important stuff we came for.

The Knives forum side is now at 427,117 posts which is up 316 from yesterday morning.

The ZCD page count has gone from 366 pages yesterday morning to 374 pages this morning for an increase of 8 pages.

The TOTAL post count has gone from 447,224 all the way up to 447,551 posts for another increase totaling 327 posts. Not quite as good as yesterday but then again Tom wasn't making a run to 17K either.

Ok, based upon thise most current figures we have 52,449 posts to go before we hit the magical number of 500,000 posts. Hey we won't make it this year, but we WILL hit it in the 5th (calendar year) of the existanc of this site. Hey, 100,000 posts AVERAGE for a small site like this PRIVATE site is pretty good!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog