Ok, here's todays numbers. No, We're not talking about the Lottery or bookies, just the FORUM numbers, Ya crazy Knife Knuts!

Ok the post count is now up to 412,574 up from 412,128 just yesterday. My head hurts so I'll let you figure out how many posts we got within the last 24 hours.

The page count has also gone up from 379 just yesterday morning up to 389. This one is easy so I'll do the math for ya, an increase of 10 pages!

AND the total Knife forum side is resting at a grand total of 393,272 posts. Shy of the 400K Dan talked about, but still a GOOD representation.

We now return you back to your regularly scheduled thread.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog