AND ANOTHER early morning rally! Man, we really got cranked up (no not THAT way) this morning. We talked about foreigners, movies, actors and actresses comedians knives Donkeys and grandkids. Well we talked about other things as well, but this will probably be enough to get your interest piqued!

We Also ushered in another JYD, check out HIS thread as put up by our own JRODEN.

Ok, now for the "rest of the story"

The Death Chat has grown by leaps and bounds AGAIN today, as the Dogs, pups and pooches put forth their best to make this to CONTINUE to be the fastest growing and BEST forum on the internet! The page count now stands at an outstanding 2228 pages for all the forum default setting users, and that is an increase of 22 pages for 1 day!

The Post count also took a BIG jump from yesterday when we were setting at 387,178. Todays tally showes a total of 387,722! An increase of 606 posts! OH MAN, what a roll! That pink bunny ain't got nothin on us! Matter of fact, he better get in line cause he can learn something from us!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog