Ok, its been another 24 hours and man has it been a madhouse here in the Law Enforcement nerve center of the County. Man it's been NUTS! We've had wrecks, drunk drivers, cattle out on the roads and Tragically an unnecessary
self inflected death, plus the normal weird stuff that seems to happen.

Ok, enough with the Whine (no I don't want any cheese with it) so on to the stats!

The Knives forum side is setting at a comfortable 428,948 posts with the promise of many more to come in the future.

The ZDC forum default setting crowd have available for their viewing pleasure 520 pages of many things you wish you didn't know, and a lot of things that are really neat.

Now for the big news you have all been waiting for.......

The ZDC2EB TOTAL post count is at 452,402. Up from just yesterday morning by 299 posts! "Yeah Baby" as Austin Powers would say.

So that means we now only have 47,598 posts to go to get to the Half of a Million posts we are striving for. And these new numbers mean that we now have to have 755.52 posts per day average to get to our goal by the end of the year 2010.

All we can do is try, so Post Baby!

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog