Whew Wee! ANOTHER good day, considering that so many Dogs and in the land of TARA. We got to see some more pics of.... YUP, knives. Oh and Jared was front and center again, guarding the choice place at the booth for his fellow Dogs! But today he didn't want to stand out so he wore a gray shirt. Blend in with the crowd and conquor from within!

Speaking of knives, You've GOT to check out the haul jared made. Man, he's gonna need a Brinks armoured car just to carry all that steel back home for him!

Ok, todays numbers are now up for your enjoyment.

The post count has gone from 413,368 to 413,617, an increase of 249 posts. Not quite as good as yesterday, but still a good representation.

The page count has gone from 417 up to page 426 for an increase of 9 pages, one page less than yesterday.

And with one day left of Blade, the Knives forum post count is now at 394,302 up a total of 244 posts.

Blade 2010 is almost history. It might well go down as one of if not THE best Blade for the Scrapyard ever!

All Hail King DANIEL THE DIVER!! May his Reign be long and fruitful.

Last edited by Skunk Hunter; 06/06/10 07:10 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog