Ok today being MY Friday brings about the last update until Wednesday morning. Hope you don't suffer withdrawls TO bad.

Ok the ZDC page count is now at page 748, up from 740 yesterday morning for a net increase of 8 pages! Not to shabby, especially as of late!

I reckon that I have gotten into the habit of putting up some information that is almost self explanitory. Ok here's the change. The OUTDOOR and FIELDCRAFT section of the site is now setting at 19,463 posts. But Stated another way, the KNIVES forum side is now a 435,985 posts. BIG difference huh? Anyway that is the numbers from the Main Index page as of this post.

The TOTAL post count for the entire website is now at 459,851 posts, up from 459,623 just yesterday morning for an increase of 228 posts. That's starting to look more like the way it used to be.

Ok, now if we take this number from our Grail Quest we come up with 40,149 more posts to go. Man, just think of how far we have came in the last year!

It seems to me like it WAS just last year that we were celebrating 300,000 posts. We are Human, watch us acheive GREATNESS!

Just as an interesting bit of history (you listening SUMO). The FIRST post of 2010 was made by Banana-clip. It was post number 358,264 and look at us now, less than 12 months later, 101,587 more posts. AMAZING, considering the small ammount of members we have. The Yard DOES have reason to be proud, both for the knives we love and the accomplishment we have made.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 12/12/10 10:22 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog