Been sorta slow here for a bit so gotta do the deed. Been about 21 hours and 50 minutes since the last update so here we go again!

We are now setting at 2458 pages on the Death Chat. Up an additional 8 pages, which ain't to bad considering it was a Friday night.

The post count has gone up as well, of course. We were at 395,856 posts yesterday morning and now we have expanded up to 396,189. A total of 332 posts. Hey, like I said, not to awful bad considering. We just keep plugging away, sort of like the tortis and the hare. The turtle just keeps on going while the rabbit goes like crazy, gets burned out and has to rest as the conservative turtle passes him by, so are we passing other Forums in our growth!

Last edited by Skunk Hunter; 04/11/10 06:01 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog