Boy, it's been a slow newsday in Muddville! Not to much happening but we're gonna do da update anyway. Just another one left then I will be gone for a week on vacation. Don't think we'll be going anywhere, but who knows.

The post count has gone from 416,698 to 416,792 up 84 posts from yesterday morning.

The page count has only gone from 518 to 519 on the ZDC.

Dans Knives Forum post count has gone from 397,343 to 397,434 up 91 from yesterday.

Once again, not really that large of an increase, but we just keep plodding along and we WILL get there.

Last edited by Skunk Hunter; 06/19/10 09:00 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog