Ok, we got so involved in the early morning discussion that I forgot to do the updates, so here they are a few hours late.

The Outdoors and Fieldcraft side is at 19,567 posts, which is up from 19,563 yesterday morning for a 4 post increase. About average of late.

The Knives Forum side is now at 438,967 posts which is up 353 posts from yesterday morning! OK GUYS! THAT'S the way to post.

The ZDC PAGE count has not gotten all the way up to 861 pages, to include an early morning rally by JJ, Jroden, Private Klink and myself.

The total site post count is now setting at 462,940 posts for an increase of 355 posts. Not a bad day, not a bad day at all!

Ok, that now means we have 37,060 more posts to go. We might be on a roll, folks talking about their Christmas Haul and plans for the up coming year.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 12/26/10 03:40 PM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog