Man, after finally getting over the shock of Sumoj275's post I can finally get back to updating this thread.

The Post count for the entire site now sets at Four hundred thirty one thousand one hundred fifteen. For those of you that are having difficulty deciphering this, that is 431,115 posts.

The ZDC has now grown to a hard drive streatching 1052 pages.

And the knives forum side of the site is now resting at 411,345.

Boy, that sure is a lot of numbers! Maybe it indicates that Folks like what Dan and the Gang are doing! I know that I sure do. Oh and I for one thank him for providing a place for us to come and have fun, brag, and gripe about things and STILL remain civil!

Long Live the Brotherhood of the Yard! Long live Scrapyardia!

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 08/07/10 08:42 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog