Well, Hows about that. Time for another little ole update. Where's it all gonna lead? Chris, Cold One, has came up the the name of the new Death Chat. We are gonna try and keep this one going until we reach 400 THOUSAND posts. At that time Chris is gonna lock this one down and start.....DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....
ZOMBIE CHAT it just won't die! At the rate we been going the last couple three days, it will be here really quick. So stant by forum fans watch your monitors and keep your keyboards ready.

Ok, todays stats are:

Death Chat III is now at 2536 pages up from 2512 just yesterday morning.

The Post Count has gone up to 398,686, up from 398,070 just yesterday morning as well. Wow, 616 posts on a week day!

And just to make sure that we stay on track, this guy
[Linked Image from farm3.static.flickr.com]
has our backs to make sure we don't get waylayed!

Ok, using these numbers we only have 1314 posts to get to 400K! Piece of cake for a bunch of rowdy dawgs like us.

Ok Today is Friday. We've got right at 18 hours left in today and 24 hours on Saturday and another 8 hours on Sunday to get to Our 400,000 posts. That's 26.28 posts per hour for 50 hours and we'll be there! IF we keep posting like we have the last couple days, WE WILL MAKE IT! Just think, we can say that we made 101,293 posts in 9 and a half months! What an accomplishment. That would be 10,662 posts PER MONTH!

Last edited by Skunk Hunter; 04/16/10 09:12 AM.