Wow, looks like we are averaging more than 4 pages a month on this thread. At this rate we'll have a pretty good size thread by the time the end of the year rolls around. Oh well, history can be fun!

Yesterday morning we had an early morning rally and racked up quite a few posts in the last few hours. We discussed the oil industry, space flight and farts in space! Don't ask, just read the ZDC from Saturday Morning before 0800 central time. I'm sure it'll make you laugh just like it did us.

Well, this mornings numbers are:

The post count is now setting at 408,217, up from 408,002 Saturday morning which gave us an increase of 215 posts! Not to shabby!

And the page count has gone from 247 up to 254. That's a 7 page increase on a slow posting day. Things will get cranked up again one of these days and we will be back to a 10 or 15 page day.

The one who is steady attains the goal, the fast burner becomes consumed. Don't know what that means, but it sounds deep.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog