Ok, I have to admit to a shameless display of posting. I started posting just to get to the 600 mark. Well as I got farther down the page it bacame an obsession until I made a post on every postable thread! I know that I am shameless, but after all I am the SkunkHunter, and that means absolutely nothing. I think I need to take a nap. BUT before I do, let's do the update, shall we.

Ok The Knives Forum side of the site has now amassed a total of 434,663 posts. Wow, that's the most we've ever had!

And the ZDC page count for the majority of us, at least for the forum default settings users is at page 700 up from 696 yesterday morning. 4 pages, but an improvement, and with winter rapidly approaching and cabin fever starting to grow it will get only better.

Ok The total site post count has now grown to 458,503 from 458,327 just yesterday morning. That gives us an increase of 176 posts. Really not all that bad. Yes, we have had better posting days but the main thing to remember is that we are steadily rising toward our goal of 500 Thousand posts! So based upon todays numbers, that just leaves us with 41,497 posts to go!


A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog