WhooooWe again, another day and Dan is countin the Krugerrands! He's gonna make a fortune on the Scrapivore, and he should, it's that good both for him AND us! Enough stoking the ego, on with the stats as we know them.

The Knives forum side of the site has gone from 428,297 all with way up to 428,682 for an increase of 85 posts.

The ZDC3EB PAGE count has gone from 446 to 460 for an increase of 14 pages.

Now for the numbers that really shows which side of Dan's toast dhas the butter on it. The TOTAL post count is now at 450,180, yes, that's right, we have now gotten into the 450K range and that leaves us less than 50K to go! It's up from 449,782 yesterday morning for an increase of 397 posts! Not to bad a day.

Ok, now for the REALLY REALLY important suff.

Our goal is Half a Million posts. We NOW have 450,180. That leaves us 49,820 posts to go!

SO, considering that we now have 72 days to go, in order to get our 500,000 posts by midnight on the 31st of December 2010 we need to AVERAGE 691.95 posts per day. Hey, we're gettin closer all the time.

Any Ideas for some kind of bauble Dan?

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 10/23/10 10:54 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog