Thank you Tom, and so are you!

Ok. Right now in the quiet hours of the morning, when no SANE individual should be awake we come to the time of a statistical update. So AND AWAY WE GO........

The Death Chat for all you normal forum default users the page count is setting at 2443, up from 2434 yesterday morning.

And the all important post count (so we can make Dan SELL us another new patch), is setting at 395,492, up from 395,029 yesterday morning. We're just BARELY over 4 and a half K to our goal!

AND, if we were to bust into the 500 thousand arena before the end of the year, THAT would be an accomplishment!

Last edited by Skunk Hunter; 04/08/10 07:00 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog